

  • Mastopexy-augmentation refers to the enlargement of the breast combined with the lifting of the nipple-areola complex.
  • Scars are most commonly a lollipop or anchor incision, or on occasion circum-areolar.


  • Please stop any over-the-counter herbs, vitamins, or drugs 2 weeks prior to your scheduled surgery.
  • Disprin, NSAIDS and blood thinners should be stopped 7 days prior to surgery unless specified or instructed differently by Dr F. Spruyt. This is done to prevent excessive bleeding.
  • NO SMOKING is allowed within 4 weeks of your surgery up to and including 4 weeks after surgery.
  • You should be fasted for 8 hours prior to your scheduled surgery.
  • If possible, please bath or shower with Hibiscrub soap 2 hours prior to admission. This assists in reducing the chance of infection post operatively.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothing, that will be easy to change into after your surgery.
  • Please be at the hospital 2 hours prior to your surgery to allow for admission and preparation.
  • You will be counselled on the risks, complications, and healing process prior to your surgery. If you have any questions, please write them down and bring them with you so that they may be discussed prior to surgery.
  • Your skin will be marked before you are taken into theatre.


  • The procedure takes approximately 90 minutes.
  • The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia, but additional pain blocks will be administered in theatre to reduce post-operative pain.
  • Drains are not routinely placed but may be required on occasion.
  • After surgery is complete, wounds are dressed and a surgical bra is fitted.



  • Despite feeling tired and sore for a few days, you should be up and about the day after surgery.
  • Maximum discomfort will occur in the first few days.
  • Your breasts will be swollen and bruised postoperatively. The bruising will usually settle within 1-2 weeks. Swelling takes longer to settle and the swelling will have resolved after 3 months.
  • Pain, swelling or bruising may differ slightly between the two sides. Although this is usually normal, if a great difference develops, please contact Dr. F. Spruyt’s rooms
  • Nipple sensation and sensation of the skin of the lower half of the breast may be reduced following surgery. Alternatively, it may be hypersensitive or you may experience a burning sensation. This usually recovers with time.


  • Breasts will be larger and firmer but due to the natural aging process, breasts will change as you age.
  • Improved projection and cleavage.
  • A scar will be present in the fold under the breasts. The appearance of scar is genetically predetermined.


  • You may resume your normal medication the day after surgery unless otherwise advised.
  • Take pain medication as prescribed.
  • In order to “break” the pain cycle, we recommend taking the pain meds regularly, as prescribed, for the first 3 days, even if discomfort is only mild.
  • Do not take aspirin or any products containing aspirin for the first week following surgery, unless this is for a medical condition, in which case please discuss this with Dr F. Spruyt.
  • Do not drink alcohol when taking pain medication.
  • You may apply a cool compress to the breasts during the first 24 hours after surgery. This will help to minimize swelling and discomfort. Please do not apply the ice directly to the skin as this may cause a burn, especially where you have decreased sensation.


  • The sutures are dissolvable.
  • Expect mild drainage onto the wound dressing covering the incisions.
  • Keep the area around the dressings clean and dry.
  • On occasion a drain may be inserted and should be removed within a few days after surgery. These are easier to carry around if placed in a small bag or pinned to belt/pants.
  • Dressings will be changed at your follow up consultation 5 to 7 days post surgery. Please do not remove dressings/plasters at home.


  • You may shower after the drains and initial dressings have been removed.
  • After showering, clean and dry the area with saltwater before applying a new dressing.
  • No bathing or soaking the incision site for the first 2 weeks.


  • You should try and sleep on your back or on your side, and avoid sleeping face down for the first 2 weeks, which could put unnecessary pressure directly onto the breasts.
  • It is likely that there will be some soiling, use old linen to prevent staining.


  • Start walking as soon as possible after surgery to reduce the risk of blood clotting.
  • Although you can gently walk about and do light duties, please avoid any excessive stretching or lifting during the first 2 weeks.
  • You may return to work after 7-14 days.
  • You may resume light exercise at around 2 weeks.
  • Upper arm exercises and swimming may begin after 6 weeks.
  • Body contact sports should be avoided for 6-8 weeks.
  • Sexual activity involving the breasts can be commenced at around 6 weeks.
  • When exercising always wear a good supportive sports bra.
  • Driving is allowed after 10 to 14 days (not permitted prior to this, mainly due to seat belt irritation). Refrain from driving until you have discontinued the narcotic pain medication, have full range of motion in both arms and can stop the car or swerve in case of an emergency.
  • If you are doing something that is causing you pain, this is usually the body’s natural warning system to take it easy and not overexert yourself – please listen to this warning.


  • Avoid smoking for the first 4 weeks post surgery as smoking delays the healing process and increases the risk of complications.
  • Avoid alcohol for at least 72 hours post surgery as this may increase your risk of bleeding.


  • Everyone recovers from their anesthetic differently. Some people feel no side effects whilst others are more noticeably affected. Feeling tired and even sick for the first couple of days is normal.
  • Eat light small meals throughout the day to minimize sickness.
  • Drink plenty of fluids in the form of water and fresh juices during the first few days after surgery.
  • Avoid caffeine and carbonated drinks for the first few days.


  • For the first 6 weeks a soft bra may be worn. The bra should not have underwire.
  • After 6 weeks, you may wear your normal bra (including underwire/boned bra).
  • It is best to wear comfortable, loose, front opening clothing that does not need to be pulled over your head for the first few weeks.


  • A scar takes 12 months to reach full maturity at which stage the final result will be evident.
  • The scars may become pinker and more noticeable, even red and lumpy temporarily before they start to improve.
  • Avoid exposing scars to the sun for at least 12 months. Always use a strong sunblock, if sun exposure is unavoidable please apply an SPF 50 or greater.
  • Silicone gels or creams may be used from 2 weeks post operatively. From 2–6 weeks apply the cream over transpore/micropore and place directly on scar from 6 weeks.
  • Local massage to the scar is usually begun at around 2 weeks. Use your normal body lotion creams to massage over the scar
  • Do not use any creams/oils containing Vitamin E to treat the incision areas for the first 3 months post surgery.


  • Fresh bleeding, other than that of a minor nature
  • Pain not relieved by pain relieving medication
  • Sudden onset new and worsening pain
  • Excessive swelling or redness
  • Increased redness along the incision sites
  • Discharge or foul odor from the incision sites
  • Fever of 38 degrees Celsius or above
  • Any side effects to medications, such as a rash, nausea, headache or vomiting

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